

Leapwise Global guides businesses towards global leadership by collaborating to forge highly competitive growth strategies. This tailored approach enables rapid penetration into new markets and sales channels, laying the foundation for sustainable growth engines. With Leapwise Global, businesses are not just entering new territories; they're posturing to be global leaders.


  • Contemplating an expansion beyond the borders of your home country can seem daunting. The myriad challenges of international growth are enough to give any business leader pause:

    Local Market Dynamics: Grasping the nuances of local market forces and understanding how they might influence your product or service.

    Infrastructure Development: Setting up tailored local infrastructure for sales, support, and other essential functions.

    Talent Acquisition: The complexities of recruiting and managing employees in foreign territories.

    Market Adaptation: Navigating the intricacies of unfamiliar market conditions and buyer behaviors.

    Legal Hurdles: Ensuring full compliance with local regulations and overcoming potential legal challenges.

    Sales Process Variations: Adapting to diverse purchasing processes and methodologies.

    Networking: Securing access to pivotal decision-makers to ensure swift market penetration.

    Logistical Challenges: Overcoming barriers posed by different time zones, distances, and languages.

    Sales Scalability: Crafting a sales process that's not only effective but also scalable across regions.

    Operational Costs: Managing the added financial burden of continuous international travel.

  • Having navigated this path ourselves, we've weathered the challenges and reaped the lessons that come with global expansion. Here are some insights we believe are crucial for any organization looking beyond its borders:

    Global Market Analysis First: Before diving in, get a bird's eye view. Conduct a comprehensive global market analysis to identify potential markets. Sometimes, what might be challenges or disadvantages in your home market can turn into strengths and advantages in a foreign one.

    Market-Specific Value Architecture: Embark on a discovery journey. Engage with your target customers in each market to grasp their unique pain points. Understand and tailor the value you bring to address their specific challenges. Recognize what might not resonate in these demographics and tune your sales message accordingly. Ensure it's compelling, clear, and relevant.

    Strategic Foundations of a Sales Machine: Before diving headfirst into a new market, establish a minimum viable sales engine tailored to that region's unique demands. Ask yourself: What can be managed efficiently from your home base? How can you identify and engage the right customers, those who'll not only benefit from your offering but also become invaluable growth partners? Cultivating the right initial relationships is paramount. They'll be your advocates, your feedback loop, and your pathfinders in unfamiliar terrain. The correct strategic alignments – be it through recruitment or more preferably, through partnerships – can supercharge this initial engine, driving more efficient and scalable expansion.

    Consider Partnership Over Ground-Up Building: It's tempting to set up shop in every new market, but that approach can be costly and fraught with legal complexities. Instead, consider forming strategic alliances. Partnering with local entities can offer quicker, more efficient market entry, and sidestep many operational challenges.

    Relationships are the Cornerstone: In international terrain, it's not just about what you know, but also whom you know. Building and nurturing the right relationships can be the difference between a successful market launch and a missed opportunity. Prioritize relationship-building and leverage local networks for a smoother entry.

  • The world of international growth is within reach, and your first step is a conversation away. Our role is to help you do this quickly and efficiently and we’ve employed a number of strategies to help health tech organizations do this fast, lightweight, and efficiently. Reach out to Leapwise Global. Let's explore your solution together, celebrate the markets where you've thrived, and chart a course for the global expansion you envision. Your next big leap starts with a simple chat.


  • The US & Canada clinical interoperability market leader dominated the hospital scene, but step outside North America and they were practically invisible — especially with two competitors quickly eating up the international market share.

    So, what did we do? First, we did our homework with a deep-dive analysis into clinical data needs in global markets, spotlighting top-tier hospitals in crucial markets. Partnering up with these big players, we uncovered a whole different ballgame. While US health systems had their act together with data communication standards like HL7 and FHIR, this organization's ace up their sleeve was the way they wrangled and made sense of all that data.

    But here's the twist: many hospitals, especially in developing countries, were stuck in the healthtech Stone Age. They were miles away from even dreaming about standardized data formats. Seeing this gap, we shook things up. Rather than diving deep into high-end data management, we decided to give these hospitals a leg up. We got them hooked up, streamlined their processes, and primed them for the big leagues in healthtech.

    The cherry on top? Our savvy local partnerships. Tapping into their know-how and connections, we locked in deals with some major players in the field. And the best part? No need to set up shop or hire locally. We not only sped into these new markets but saw our profits soar too.

  • Wound Reference is a leading clinical decision support platform. They had big dreams of going global, but they knew they couldn't do it alone. That's where we came in.

    We started by taking a good hard look at their operations. We pinpointed what was working and what needed a tweak, setting them up for peak performance as they branched into international markets.

    The world is a big place, and knowing where to start can be overwhelming. We worked together to figure out the best markets for Wound Reference and devised a plan to make a splash in each one.

    But it's not just about breaking into a market; it's about making lasting connections. We introduced Wound Reference to some game-changing partners in Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

    Every global venture comes with its own set of challenges. That's why we made sure Wound Reference's sales team was ready for anything, from navigating cultural nuances to sealing the deal.

    Fast forward to today, and Wound Reference isn't just operating on a global scale - they're thriving. It's been a wild ride, and we're thrilled to have been part of their journey to the top.